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Employers who have participated:

Saving the Employer Time and Money!


  • Prescreening and assessments completed by WIOA staff

  • Reduce recruitment costs and increase retention

  • Cost savings during training

  • Outreach & recruitment assistance

  • Information on tax credits and hiring incentives

  • Receive resource information on training programs and services

  • Supportive services may be provided during training

  • Assistance with job development and job coaching


Any private-for-profit or nonprofit company or any bona fide public service type of agency registered or licensed to do business in the state of North Carolina and is in good standing may participate in a WIOA/OJT.


FAQ’s for Employers

  • Hickory Chair

  • Deetag

  • Fiberline

  • Punker, LLC

  • Supreme Corporation

  • Automated Solutions

  • American Roller Bearing

  • Earthway Global

  • Richelieu

  • Centro Inc

  • Foothill Bio-Energies

  • Woodlief Electric Company

  • Sherrill Furniture

  • Cornerstone United

  • Vacuum Handling, NA

  • Plastic Packaging

  • Leviton

…and many more

Recruitment Assistance


Your company can benefit from services that identify well-matched candidates for your job openings. In addition, the Career Centers are available to you to conduct interviews with job candidates.


On-The-Job Training


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program offers on-the-job training (OJT) which assists eligible individuals in obtaining employment. The candidates are screened and assessed for basic skills, aptitudes, and interests before referral to potential OJT employers. Employers are reimbursed a percentage of the individual’s starting wage during the training period.


Participation in the OJT program is an opportunity for employers to gain qualified, enthusiastic workers. Workforce Investment Act staff will refer eligible individuals to you so that you may interview them. You make the final decision on the person selected for hire. During the employee’s OJT contract, the WIOA staff will provide follow-up services to ensure the employer’s needs are met.


  • Examples of Cost Savings
    $11.50 per hour x 520 hours of training needed: ($5,980)
    $11.50 X 50% = $5.75 x 520 = $2,990 reimbursed to the employer


How to Set Up an OJT


Once the OJT contract is signed and the employee is selected they will be placed on your payroll and training begins. You will receive a monthly reimbursement for the employee’s wages. Training takes place in your establishment with your trainers, equipment, and training techniques. The WIOA staff will assist you in designing a realistic training plan for each job based on the complexity of the skills to be acquired and the length of training needed (Training length is set at a minimum of 240 hours and a maximum of 520).

Call our Business Service Representatives to answer any questions and to set up an appointment to reap the benefits of OJT funding.


Matthew Xiong (828) 485-4215

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer/Program

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