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Now Hiring - Assistant Executive Director

The Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG) is currently seeking energetic, self-motivated, and detail-oriented candidates for the position of Assistant Executive Director (AED). The WPCOG is an innovative and forward-thinking organization dedicated to addressing planning issues for the region. Situated in the beautiful rolling hills and mountains of western North Carolina, WPCOG is a regional governmental agency owned by the 28 local governments in the region and organized in 1968 to provide long-range planning, technical assistance, and regional delivery of services. Our organization is one of 16 regional councils in North Carolina formed under NC General Statutes 160A 470-478. Local governments eligible for WPCOG membership include Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties located in Western NC and the 24 cities and towns within those counties.

The WPCOG is organized into seven departments including: Administration; Area Agency on Aging; Finance; Community and Economic Development; Community and Regional Planning; Regional Housing Authority; and Workforce Development. The WPCOG has grown tremendously in recent years by offering a range of new services. As a result, the WPCOG team has grown by over 50% to 75 professionals. See our annual report for information about the many ways the WPCOG serves the region as one of the most comprehensive COGs in the nation.

The AED is responsible for the planning, organizing, and supervision of several departments and functions of the organization. The AED will oversee the administrative functions that include the communications manager, information technology/facilities manager, and human resources manager plus several departments. The assignment of departments will be based on the AED’s interest and areas of expertise. The AED will direct and supervise the development of strategic and short and long-term work plans. This employee will act as a representative at meetings and functions as well as serving as the interim executive director in his absence.

Please review the entire job posting in the attached PDF below.


Please submit a cover letter, resume, references, and WPCOG application to HR Manager, Tasmin Mack, at WPCOG, P.O. Box 9026, Hickory, NC 28603. Emailing application materials is acceptable, Questions should be directed to Tasmin at (828) 485-4275. Final candidates will be subject to an interview process. The WPCOG is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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