2040 Long Range
Transportation Plan
The LRTP is a federally required long-term planning document that lists the transportation improvements and policies to be implemented in the GHMPO area. The plan provides an assessment of future area transportation needs, issues and recommendations, along with future transportation investment recommendations. The LRTP is updated every four years and covers a 25-year time-span.
Long Range Transportation Plan Overview
What is it?
An opportunity for community dialog on transportation needs, options, and issues.
A demonstration of compliance with a range of federal requirements.
A time to reaffirm, modify, and in some cases to delay or remove projects from the LRTP.
Key Facts about the LRTP
Major projects must be identified in the LRTP along with their expected timing (by network year) and cost before receiving funding or being implemented under NCDOT’s Transportation Improvement Program.
Community priorities and public input are important considerations.
Technical analysis of future travel demand, transportation investment needs, environmental constraints, and future revenue estimates are all required components.
The LRTP makes recommendations about future study needs, MPO plans, and policies.
Transportation-air quality conformity requirements must be met before the LRTP can be adopted.
The MPO must update the LRTP every four years.
What It Includes
Chapters detailing roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian, freight, and environmental elements.
Maps and lists of recommended future roadway, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian projects by network year.
Demonstration of conformity to air quality requirements.
Demonstration that recommends projects fit within reasonably expected future revenues.
Summaries of public input, MPO responses, and discussion.
Maps, tables, and figures summarizing technical analysis.
Review of known environmental constraints and demonstration of effort to minimize impacts.
Review of known impacts on and travel benefits to low income and minority populations.
Lists of recommended future studies, policies, programs, and other implementation steps.
Due to file size, the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan is made available in 3 separate files. Please select from the list below to download a specific PDF file.