Budget and Finance
Budget and Finance
The WPCOG is subject to the NC Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act and operates on a Fiscal Year basis, July 1 through June 30. The organization has a 2015-16 adopted budget of $14,828,025, of which $9,565,174 (64.51%) are pass-through funds. The WPCOG has an operating budget of $5,262,851 (35.49%). Anticipated funding sources include:
Federal/State grants $12,550,321 (84.64%)
Local government funded projects $1,923,480 (12.97%)
Local government membership dues* $192,335 (1.30%)
Assessed matching funds (i.e. MPO/RPO) $158,889 (1.07%)
Other (interest, contributions, miscellaneous) $3,000 (0.02%)
*Membership dues are assessed at $.50 per capita and used as matching funds for Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), Economic Development Administration (EDA), Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and other grants, as well as the WPCOG annual meeting.
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