GNSS Data Collection
WPCOG staff can visit the field and map desired features to an accuracy of 0.5 meter (note: not survey grade, contact GIS services for details). GIS workers use georeferenced as-builts, orthophotography and up-to-date Trimble GNSS receivers that gather positional data from multiple satellite constellations, including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou constellations.
Utility Mapping
It is not uncommon that local utilities still rely on crumbling paper maps, hand-drawn notes or worker recollection to know where crucial assets are located. Using satellite-based receivers, WPCOG staff can map features to an accuracy of 0.5 meter (20 inches) (note: not survey grade, contact GIS services for details). The personnel have extensive experience in mapping features of water, sewer, stormwater and electric systems on the municipal level.
GIS Data Creation & Maintenance
WPCOG staff can create GIS data from a variety of sources, including lists of addresses, paper maps or field-collected data. The GIS information can be hosted on WPCOG's servers and be maintained and updated by GIS employees.
Database Design & Maintenance
WPCOG staff can customize the information collected about types of features (such as water meters or manholes) to fit the needs of an agency. Spatial location and attributes of each feature can be accessed quickly and uniformly across all records.
WPCOG staff can transform text-only data, such as a list of billing addresses, into spatial locations within a GIS. This allows these locations to be used in conjunction with other spatial data.
Large Format Printing/Scanning
WPCOG GIS Services has a large format scanner which can be used on documents up to 36 inches wide. It scans up to 600 dpi in both color and grayscale. The following output file formats are supported: JPEG (.jpg), PDF (.pdf), and TIFF (.tif). GIS Services can also print images/maps up to 36 inches wide.