Incumbent Worker Grant
North Carolina’s Incumbent Workforce Development Program under the federal Workforce Investment Act broadens the scope of the state’s existing incumbent worker initiative. An Incumbent Worker is an employed individual who is served with statewide Workforce Investment Act funds. The Program provides funding to established North Carolina businesses to provide educational and skills training for current workers. It is designed to benefit businesses by enhancing the skills of employees, thereby increasing employee productivity and the potential for company growth. Training in portable skills results in a more highly skilled and versatile workforce that contributes to North Carolina’s ability to attract new business and creates an environment conducive to expansion.
Application Qualification Eligibility
Applications for the Incumbent Workforce Development Program are open to all companies conducting business in North Carolina meeting the guidelines listed below. A business applying for funding:
Must be private for-profit or private not-for-profit business
Must have been in operation in the State of North Carolina during the entire twelve month period immediately preceding the date of application
Must be current on all North Carolina tax obligations
Must be current on all applicable county, city, and local taxes
Must propose training for employees at a North Carolina facility
Project Structure
Training activities under the Incumbent Workforce Development Program include the following:
Occupational skills training designed to meet the special requirements of a business or a group of businesses, and is conducted with employer commitment to continue to employ all trained individuals upon successful completion of the training.
Educational training including workplace literacy, basic skills, soft skills, and English as a second language. An applicant must demonstrate the effect of the training on business operations and identify the transferable skills acquired by employees.
Employers who have participated:
American Roller Bearing
Baker Furniture
Baker Knapp & Tubbs
BSN Medical, Inc.
Caldwell Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc.
Carolina Silver
Carolina Specialty Tools, Inc
Concept Frames, Inc.
Cox Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Draka Comteq
Duralee Fine Furniture
E.J. Victor, Inc.
Grasche USA, Inc.
Hanes Companies
Hickory Chair
Hickory Construction Company
Home Fashions International, LLC
James Tool Machine & Engineering, Inc.
Leviton Manufacturing Company
Marves Industrial, LLC
Mohawk Finishing Products
Piedmont Fiberglass
Plastic Packaging, Inc.
PolyChem Alloy, Inc. (PCA)
Roll-Tech, LLC
Schneider Mills & Composite Fabrics of America
Shuford Yarns, LLC
Shurtape Technologies, LLC
Sypris Technologies
Toner Machining Technologies
The Marlin Company, Inc.
Program Outcomes
Employee Related Outcomes:
Increases skill level of trained workers
Increases wage level of trained workers
Employer Related Outcomes:
Averts a layoff
Lowers employee turnover
Increases the profitability of the business
Enhances the competitiveness of the business
Avoids business relocation or consolidation that results in a loss of local jobs
Maximum funding for any project is $10,000. There is a lifetime maximum of $60,000 per business entity.
Reimbursement Training Costs
Instructors’/trainers’ salaries—trainers must not be employed by the applicant business to receive reimbursements
Training materials and supplies
Textbooks/manuals—limited to course of study
Training certifications, certificates, licenses, and credentials must be described if associated cost is in the budget
Travel for trainers—if requested training is not available within reasonable proximity to the business
Training related software—limited to 5% of the total grant award and must be necessary for the training request
WorkKeys assessment to the extent that it leads to primary training
The NC Incumbent Worker Guidelines and Application.
Submission Deadline is March 16, 2016.
Matthew Xiong
Business Services Consultant
828.485.4215 |