RHA - Rapid Response Team Meeting
As part of our role as a HUD designated Envision Center, our Regional Housing Authority staff is coordinating an effort to form a Rapid Response Team for human trafficking in our region.
Please join us March 13 at 2pm to discuss coordinating a Human Trafficking Rapid Response Team (RRT), flyer with additional information attached.
Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) in North Carolina are multidisciplinary teams of direct service agencies, emergency responders, and law enforcement that assist in the first 24 to 72 hours of an identified victim of human trafficking’s recovery and rehabilitation process.
This RRT will come together to discuss Human Trafficking, both sex and labor in Region 4 – Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba counties.
This group of professionals from multiple fields (including law enforcement, legal services, social services, policy, etc.) will work to raise awareness about human trafficking across the region.
The RRT will assist with the prosecution of traffickers, and identify and assist victims.
Along with establishing a coordinated, inclusive protocol for providing immediate refuge for survivors of human trafficking, the RRT will take a holistic approach to healing by providing wrap around services. This will help each trafficked individual to move from a state of enslavement to self-sufficiency.
We hope you will join this discussion on developing an RRT for our region.