POSTPONED - 13 Ways to Kill Your Community Training

13 Ways to Kill Your Community Western Piedmont Council of Governments Friday, April 24, 2020 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM (EDT) Hickory, NC
Doug believes communities are worth saving, which is why he has dedicate the last 20 years of his life to helping them find a pathway to success. He uses a straight-shooting, no-punches-pulled approach to show how attitude is the biggest factor – and roadblock – to building a successful community.
Using his vast experience working with municipal and community leaders from across North America, Doug uses powerful stories and research to drive leaders to find solutions to challenges that plague communities and prevent them from reaching their full potential in a rapidly changing world.
Based on Doug’s bestselling book, 13 Ways to Kill Your Community, the presentation is sometimes startling and often revelatory. Doug’s conversational style makes every member of the audience feel he is speaking directly to them about their own community. The anecdotes are delivered with both wit and wisdom, and in a way that ensures audience members are inspired and confident in their role to make their community, organization, or business successful.
Your audience will:
Feel inspired and motivated;
Find a renewed sense of ownership and responsibility toward the community in which they live;
Recognize the challenges their community faces, and the reasons why it is challenged;
Receive Basic tools to begin moving their community toward success